Brussels Philharmonic | Matinee: Shostakovich 5 · 26.01.2025 · Flagey

Matinee: Shostakovich 5


‘A Soviet artist’s response to just criticism’: that is the subtitle Shostakovich gave his 5th Symphony. But everything about the work is ambiguous: order becomes restlessness, joy is stifled, the harmony suddenly turns shrill. The regime didn’t realize any of this, and yet Shostakovich managed t ...

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€31 > €5


Dmitri Shostakovich Symphony No. 5 in D minor, Op. 47 (1937)


Flagey, Studio 4 ∙ Place Sainte-Croix, 1050 Ixelleshow to reach the venue

with the support of Beside Tax Shelter and the Belgian Tax Shelter