Brussels Philharmonic | News


Brussels Philharmonic Kazushi Ono DREAMS 2023 c Wouter Van Vaerenbergh 155

job opening: artistic director

as a creative all-rounder and a walking (music) library, you develop the artistic direction of the Brussels Philharmonic, the Brussels Young Philharmonic, and the Vlaams Radiokoor

Brussels Philharmonic Kazushi Ono DREAMS 2023 c Wouter Van Vaerenbergh 114

job opening: general manager

as a seasoned business leader, you steer the organization with experience, passion, and decisiveness toward a future as a stable, inspiring, and innovative arts institution for the 21st century

Wolfgang PR beeld highres

Meet Wolfgang

your guide during our concerts at Flagey! Check out the Wolfgang-series

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Pre-concert student percussionists

“Today we live in a world of clicking and no thinking. There seems to be almost no time to think for yourself. While this music of Varèse and Beyer challenges you to actively listen and think, also as a musician.”

Mihai Cocea x

interview Mihai Cocea

on June 21, our principal viola Mihai Cocea plays Suite for Viola and Small Orchestra by Vaughan Williams: "this piece is a perfect example of Vaughan Williams’ deep understanding of the viola“

Titus Franken

pre-concert performance art

percussionist Titus Franken performs Aphasia by Mark Applebaum before the concert Le Sacre du printemps on March 22


Eroica: Film Pick

speaking of heroes… cinema is full of them, each with their own iconic theme music - uncover more in this curated selection by Robin Broos

Gert September2016 1

Gert François x Timpani Concerto

"whether it’s Beethoven or Charlie Parker ... without the groove, the music won’t come to life: 'It don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got that swing'"