Brussels Philharmonic | new season is coming

new season is coming

The first concerts the 23-24 season have just been announced.

Get ready for an unforgettable musical experience and secure your seats in the concert hall by heading over to our calendar now.

Concert Calendar

With our activities firmly based in our home city of Brussels, the Brussels Philharmonic focuses resolutely on 4 areas, each of which is intended to bring people together around symphonic music:

Bucket List: Must-hear masterpieces you’ll want to experience live.
Atelier: Intimate performances with a focus on detail and smaller formations.
Lab: A hub for contemporary music, bold experiments, and cross-arts innovation.
Film & Festival: Celebrating our broadcast roots with a passion for film music and collaborations.

discover more

Haydn Die Schöpfung c Liesbet Peremans

Haydn: Die Schöpfung · 16.09.2023 · Flagey

Season Opening Concert! A text based on the Bible and Milton’s Paradise Lost, in a German version by Baron Gottfried van Swieten, deeply moved Haydn. And so The Creation (Die Schöpfung) came to be.

soprano ALLAN CLAYTON tenor DIETRICH HENSCHEL bass-baritone

EIN HELDENLEBEN c Liesbet Peremans

Strauss: Ein Heldenleben · 30.09.2023 · Flagey

Heroes take many forms – in real life as well as in art. Richard Strauss brought a succession of heroes to the fore in his symphonic poems, two of whom come to life in this programme – thanks to Strauss’ impressive orchestration – as if in a film.

with KAZUSHI ONO conductor


Britten & Brahms 4 · 16.12.2023 · Flagey

The young Benjamin Britten meets the old Johannes Brahms: the young force, full of impatience for what the future will bring, facing the established value that looks back contentedly on what has been. It is precisely this contrast between the two masters - closely linked by their special way of translating human emotions - that creates an inspiring and poignant experience.

with KAZUSHI ONO conductor STEVEN OSBORNE piano

SCRIABIN 3 P Bardyn F080 118 Brussel kodachrome

Scriabin: Le divin poème · 22.12.2023 · Flagey

From the sound clouds of Brahms to the sound visions of Scriabin: both composers still cling to classical structures, but also let them go. Brahms writes a symphonic concerto for violin, while Scriabin creates his mystical chord.