Brussels Philharmonic | Summer Sounds: Céline Krick

Summer Sounds: Céline Krick


Visit our website or app for weekly musical favourites from our musicians and staff. From our music programmer to our percussionist, dive into their personal selections. Every Friday from mid-July to the end of August!

Céline Krick

library assistent with the Brussels Philharmonic

favourite orchestral piece:
Louise Farrenc · Symphony No. 3 in G minor, Op. 36
[listen on Spotify]

"The question 'What is one of your favourite orchestral works?' is not easy to answer for a musicologist. There is so much beautiful music to choose from. However, one work that always stays with me is Symphony No. 3 in G minor, Op. 36 by Louise Farrenc.

In an era when women were rarely given the chance to write music—at most, they could write chamber music—Farrenc managed to publish several large-scale compositions, including orchestral pieces. I discovered her during a university class where the professor devoted a few lessons to 19th-century female composers. Since then, her symphony has become the one I listen to most frequently. The second movement, in particular, moves me time and again."

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