Brussels Philharmonic | News


2024 Brussels Philharmonic Kazushi Ono Ligeti Bartok 1 U Canon300 GR 4

Close Encounters

at the heart of our symphonic world: a unique experience behind the scenes

Elias Grandy

Pictures at an Exhibition

Elias Grandy discusses Mussorgsky's masterpiece: "What an astonishing way to musically capture art and its perception while at the same time creating a new piece of art!”

Csm Schoenberg Portraet Arnold Schoeberg Center Wien 63a0c230a2

Schönberg: a visionary's struggle

"I had had to fight for every new work; I had been offended in the most outrageous manner by criticism; I had lost friends and I had completely lost any belief in the judgment of friends. And I stood alone against a world of enemies"


Schönberg: the painter

from scores to brushes: we know Arnold Schönberg as a groundbreaking composer, educator, and theorist, but also as a painter - find out more

Michele Losier 1

Voice of Illumination

Michèle Losier performs the alto solo in Mahler's Third Symphony: "it is an honour for me to sit in the middle of the orchestra, in those majestic symphonies, experiencing the overwhelming emotions"

2023 Brussels Philharmonic Kazushi Ono c Lars Bauwens Fuji Superia400 Canon EF 15

Kazushi Ono's guide to creativity

"creativity plays, of course, a crucial role for a conductor. [...] By reading the musical score, conductors begin the eternal conversation with composers, going very often beyond time and space"

Schoenberg Spraypaint P G

happy birthday, arnold!

in celebration of Schönberg's birthday on September 13, enjoy an exceptional 50% discount on the Schönberg festival - valid this weekend only!