Brussels Philharmonic | News


Sien Pastorale 5d820288f7932265544e6876c1310c9c

Beethoven 6 for kids

embark on a musical adventure with Sien Wynants and discover Beethoven's Sixth Symphony: "Beethoven was wearing ear trumpets!"

Podcast Symfotrip Episode Fauré Pelleas Melisande

Symfotrip: Pelléas et Mélisande

host Jasper Croonen gaat samen met een gast op pad in de muziek - deze aflevering ontdekt grafisch vormgever Joris Kritis het werk Pelléas et Mélisande van Gabriel Fauré



download our app (its free!) and put an orchestra in your pocket!

2018 Brussels Philharmonic Stéphane Denève 56

job vacancy: stagehand

as stagehand you will work within the production team, and help ensure the efficient daily operation of the orchestra and choir in terms of logistics and technology

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tipsy carmina?

in Carmina Burana, we sing about life and death, fate and love, but also: about beer - dive into the atmosphere and discover numerous young and vibrant Brussels breweries

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Interview Oren Ambarchi

"we’ll be improvising. It’s an interaction between myself, Ilan and the orchestra" - learn more about the composition Sous Vide through this interview with the composer


Who is Kalliwoda?

Kalli-who? Kalliwoda! He was a key figure during his time, but soon forgotten after his death... Who is this mystery-man?