Brussels Philharmonic | El Sistema Belgium

El Sistema Belgium

"In their true essence, orchestras and choirs are much more than artistic structures. They are fruitful soil for the cultivation of values, abilities, and attitudes needed for individual, collective, and civic growth and self improvement. They are unbeatable social models and schools, which aim to perfection and excellence. Because playing and singing together means to coexist in an endearing and respectable way."

- Jose Antonio Abreu, founder El Sistema

Inspired by El Sistema in Venezuela, founded by the late José Antonio Abreu, El Sistema Belgium has been developed by the non-profil organisation ReMuA.

Through El Sistema Belgium, children regardless of their background, are given the opportunity to access musical education. This is made possible through collective workshops held at their schools and in their neighborhoods, throughout the entire school year. Together they work towards a common goal: to perform at the end-of-year concert with a professional orchestra.

In these workshops, the children not only learn to play "classical" instruments but also acquire vital values such as citizenship, exchange, respect, and the ability to listen to oneself and others. All of this is achieved while they enjoy the sheer joy of making music together.

[read more about ReMuA & El Sistema Belgium]

Brussels Philharmonic & Remua: El Sistema | 25.06.2023 | Flagey

With the project El Sistema Belgium, every year ReMuA vzw gives thousands of children the chance to learn music at school and in their neighbourhood. After a year of intensive rehearsals, the children share the stage with musicians from Brussels Philharmonic: a special treat!

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