Brussels Philharmonic | Curated by... Lucienne Renaudin Vary

Curated by... Lucienne Renaudin Vary

Trumpet tunes for a happy 2024! curated by Lucienne Renaudin Vary

“To have the kind of maturity and insight Lucienne has as a trumpet player, you would have to be 40 years old.” – Philippe Duchemin (jazz pianist)

The star of the New Year's concert 2024 is Lucienne Renaudin Vary. This flamboyant musician feels right at home in jazz, contemporary, and classical music alike. A similar versatility resonates through the trumpet playlist exclusively curated by the trumpeter for the occasion. Let the captivating sonority of the instrument envelop you - an ideal prelude to the New Year's concert and a unique opportunity to meet Renaudin Vary and her musical inspirations.

discover the full playlist

[listen on Spotify]

live in the concert hall

Catch Lucienne Renaudin Vary live in the concert hall with Brussels Philharmonic on 5 & 7 January 2024.

[info & tickets]

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