Brussels Philharmonic | The Elements | 28.10.22 | Flagey

The Elements


The four elements inspire and intrigue us. Earth, air, fire and water – they are all around us, permanently present and tangible, but also full of mysteries and secrets. The musicians perform the music connected to the earthly. Philip Glass translates the fire in Th ...

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€41 > €5


Camille Pépin Vajrayāna (2015)
Philip Glass The Light (1987)
Geoffrey Gordon Eolian - A Concerto for Harp and Orchestra (2022) (world premiere)
Claude Debussy La mer (1905)


∙ 19:00 cyser & kombucha tasting: with fermenthings
∙ 19:30 pre-concert talk: Sander De Keere & Karen Kamensek (EN)
∙ 20:15 concert (with break)
∙ 22:15 BruPhil Café: aftertalk by Jasper Croonen with soloist Eline Groslot & conductor Karen Kamensek (EN)

with the support of Beside Tax Shelter and the Belgian Tax Shelter