Brussels Philharmonic | Haydn: Die Schöpfung · 16.09.2023 · Flagey

Haydn: Die Schöpfung


The music Haydn wrote for his creation story is grandiose, sophisticated and jubilant. From the very first measure, Haydn grabs the listener by the scruff. With a timpani roll, he depicts the total chaos in which the creation begins, the unexpected opening C minor chord is like a divine e ...

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€41 > €5


Joseph Haydn Die Schöpfung, Hob.XXI:2 (1798)

download programme book: [english] [nederlands] [français]


∙ 10:00-15:00 guided tour: Flagey : Paquebot et usine à sons (Korei Guided Tours - FR/NL) (free)
∙ 19:00 street food: pastries by La Fleur du Pain
∙ 19:00 pre-show: chamber music by members of Youth Orchestra Flanders
∙ 19:30 introduction: Sander De Keere & Kazushi Ono (EN)
∙ 20:15 concert (with break) (surtitles: EN/NL/FR)
∙ 22:45 afterparty: Happy New Season Happy Hour


Flagey, Studio 4 ∙ Place Sainte-Croix / Heilig Kruisplein, 1050 Ixelles / Elsenehow to reach Flagey

with the support of Beside Tax Shelter and the Belgian Tax Shelter

Kazushi Ono: “The opening is very dark, but out of the deep bass sounds the atmosphere starts to change and the stars come out. It is one of the finest introductions of any oratorio."